Irene Berger Coach

Irene Berger


Languages : German, English, French




Pilates Studio equipment and Rehabilitation

Coaching and support stress management

Nutrition councelling and supervision of weight reduction programme


Professional development:


1994    Diploma Exercise Educationalist
1999    Confederate Fitness Instructor
2001    Health- and Fitnessinstructor ACSM
2010    Trainer for Pilates Studio Equipment


Other Activities:


Since 2003        
Examination Expert for the Confederate Fitness Instructor Education


2008 – 2016    
Management Switzerland. Swiss Federation of Fitness- and Healthcenters (SFGV) / Fitness- und Gesundheitscenter Verband (SFGV)


Since 2012

Chief Expert «Professional Exercise and Health Promotion EFZ / Bewegungs- und Gesundheitsförderung EFZ» german speaking Switzerland


Tel: 076 400 05 88
